St John Ambulance WA is the preeminent provider of pre-hospital care in Western Australia. We are a not-for-profit organisation whose purpose is “for the service of humanity”. St John has a distinguished history of serving the WA community including:
St John may be best known for our world-class ambulance service and first aid training but our medical expertise and range of services is much broader. St John’s core services include:
St John Ambulance WA services the largest area in the world covered by a single ambulance provider. In 2014/15 we attended to more than 212,500 ambulance cases in the Perth metropolitan area and more than 60,300 ambulance cases in regional WA. That’s an average of 766 cases a day!
St John acquired Apollo Health in 2016 and now operates bulk-billed medical and dental centres for patients requiring urgent care.
St John Medical Services specialises in corporate health care, particularly for remote or high risk operations. Our purpose is to help keep workers safe and in good shape. We provide a 5 element Corporate Health Package which is relevant and scalable for any type or size of workplace.
St John operates the 24/7 State Operations Centre which receives all emergency triple zero (000) calls for ambulance attendance and dispatches responses to all ambulance incidents in WA. In 2014/15 we handled 513,112 calls which equates to over 1,400 calls a day.
St John’s College of Pre-Hospital Care is a registered training organisation and the largest pre-hospital training provider in WA. In 2014/15 we trained more than 245,000 individuals.
St John has been providing first aid training for more than 120 years. Our goal is to build community confidence to respond to emergency situations. We offer a range of nationally accredited and non-accredited training courses for industry and individuals. In 2014/15 we provided training to almost 10% of the WA population.
St John operates a specialist taskforce to provide the medical response to major incidents such as bush fires. For example, we are contracted to respond to incidents at Perth Airport.
St John provides the critical care paramedics for WA’s Emergency Rescue Helicopters. 484 missions were completed in 2014/15.
St John provides a state-wide, non-emergency patient transport service.
St John provides Event Health Services to help look after the health of patrons attending events. We service large-scale events such as concerts and sporting grounds as well as small community events.
St John’s Youth Engagement Program aims to make first aid a part of every students life from 4 – 17 years of age.
The Community First Responder program is a state-wide defibrillator registry that faciliates early defibrillation in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.
St John has a dedicated Clinical Governance Unit which ensures that our Clinical Practice Guidelines remain world-class and promote the best outcome for our patients.
St John has extensive resources to support our state-wide services including:
St John Ambulance operates the most cost-effective ambulance service in Australia. Our focus on a high level of service and cost-control helps to ensure that we provide quality, competitive services for our clients.
As the state ambulance provider contracted by the WA Health Department, St John’s operations are subject to a high level of scrutiny. When you choose St John to provide your corporate medical services, you can be confident that you have selected a reputable, experienced provider. In addition, your support enables us to make important contributions to the community.